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A fast, asyncio based web-framework, that you'll enjoy using.
Read the docs.

Why Tanoshi and what is it?

Tanoshi is a fast, asyncio based web-framework, that you'll really enjoy using. Tanoshi is built to revolve around your design decisions, not ours. Tanoshi has no boiler-plate code what so ever, allowing you to have an extremely flexible code base structure. Tanoshi can also be a heavy-weight framework if you choose to opt-in to it's heavy-weight features, such as a database ORM, as well as adaptable authentication. Tanoshi allows you to quickly prototype, as well as expand and scale quickly!

It's in the name! - Tanoshi (楽しい) - Enjoyable

Key Features

  • Modern async and await syntax.
  • Seriously impressive performance thanks to Starlette.
  • Opt-in heavy-weight features such as a fully-fledged database ORM.
  • Extremely flexible.
  • Jinja Templating Support.
  • Session and Cookie Middleware.
  • Quick and easy to get started with.


from tanoshi import Tanoshi
from tanoshi.shortcuts import render, redirect

app = Tanoshi(

@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
async def index(request):
    context = {
        "message": "Hello Tanoshi!",
        "moreData": ["guido", "van", "rossum"]
    return render(request, "index.html", context)

async def redirect_route(request):
    return redirect("")

Running tanoshi

Running tanoshi on a production server is super simple. Let's use the example above to learn how to run tanoshi. First, you'll need to install a production server such as uvicorn, which is the one I personally recommend. Simply run pip instal uvicorn to install uvicorn. Now, if you placed the example code into a file called, you'd need to run uvicorn main:app inside the directory where your file is housed.

This process is exactly the same as other asgi frameworks, no changes there!